QU-AX OnlyOne 20" Unicycle (black / blue)

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Unicycle QU-AX OnlyOne 20"

The classic for beginners and advanced riders thanks to flatcrown fork, comfortable saddle and 1.75" tyres.

  • Flatcrown fork with two-piece dropout, powder coated
  • Aluminium rim, silver 36 holes
  • 47-406mm (20 "x1.75") tyres
  • Square axle, 36 hole hub
  • 114mm steel cubs, Square
  • Slip-resistant plastic pedal
  • Saddle quick release alloy
  • Shape-retaining and ergonomic saddle, saddle guards, replaceable
  • Minimum crotch length: 61cm
  • Weight: 5.4 kg

In principle, unicycles are not quite the same size as bicycles. While unicycles between 12" and 18" are meant for (growing) kids, there are also some crazy muni riders who ride 12" unicycles to trial for fun. But as soon as you can ride a 20", the size issue is more a question of personal use. A 20" is fine for hockey, freestyle, sometimes also for basketball or "normal” unicycling. In addition, the longer distances you want to ride, the larger the wheel diameter should be.

What size can I ride?

For the QU-AX unicycles, the following table applies to the standard equipment regarding the recommended size with the corresponding step lengths. Measuring the crotch length is very easy: Measure the distance from the ground up to your crotch, as shown in the picture on the right - preferably with shoes on, because that's how you'll be sitting on the unicycle! On the Munis 19", 24", 27.5" the seat post has a reinforcement cast - if you retrofit a post without a cast, you can subtract another approx. 7cm from the minimum crotch lengths.

How does this machine become my friend?

Before you approach the machine, check that the helmet is on your head and the knee pads are in the right place! Unlike the horse, you can't immediately tell where the back is and where the front is. However, if you look closely, you will notice that the unicycle has a direction of travel. The seat post clamp points to the front, i.e. the bolts point to the rear. The pedals are marked left and right in the direction of travel so that the bolts do not come loose while riding. The correct saddle height can be found in the same way as on the bike: when you sit on the saddle, your knee should be more or less pushed through in the lower pedal position. A tip for the first attempts: set the saddle a little lower! It is a little easier and you know: "the higher, the splashier!”

This is how you find the right saddle height!
If you have good friends, take one with you. Help is not bad for the first attempts. However, if you want to train on your own and reveal your secret after a few days, look for an area with level ground and a railing you can hold on to. Door frames or telephone boxes are also ideal, as you can support yourself with both hands.

Now you can start?
Hold on to the railing or your companion with one hand. Put the saddle between your legs and the right pedal should be in the 4 o'clock position. When you press down on the pedal, the unicycle will automatically slide under your body and you will be sitting on the bike (or not). One thing is for sure, you are now about 5-6 hours away from riding a unicycle. Your goal should be to balance your weight with the next few attempts. Keep your upper body upright at all times and lean on your helper for support.

Mounting and balancing with assistance

The next step is now to move forward. Release one hand from the railing and try to move forward a little. support_3Congratulations! Now you are about 3-4 hours away from riding a unicycle. Another important tip, if a fall is imminent, always drop the bike, because a good bike can take it, you probably not so much.

So, now there is only one thing left. The way is the goal. Suddenly you're riding one metre alone, then two… and then all of a sudden you don't understand why the beginning was so frustrating. Now you can stop your secret training and go public. The "aha" effect of your fellow men will not be insignificant. Stay cool and if you have to get off the bike, find a lamp post, tree or something similar to get back on. When asked how one learns to do such a thing, one answers with: ” You have to be a bit clever”. That's really cool, isn't it?

I feel I can fly!
Now you should take a few rides to get used to the reactions of the bike. The upper body should always be upright and do not look down at the bike. The pedalling will never be completely round, but you will notice that the bike reacts to your upper body and hip movements. If you feel like you are falling forward, make a quick pedal movement and the bike will straighten up again.

Now the next thing you should try is to climb up unassisted. The pedal with your swing leg should be at the lowest point. Find a small obstacle so that the bike does not roll forward immediately. If you can now get upright safely, you can now try free mounting without an obstacle. The success rate will only be a maximum of 1:10, but by practising doggedly you will reduce this rate very quickly and after a few days you will have it” in”.

Riding curves without handlebars?
On long distances you will notice that the bike wants to change direction from time to time. You change this automatically quite unconsciously by moving your upper body in the same direction and thus regaining your balance. If you want to change direction on purpose, it is similar to skiing or snowboarding. The hip triggers the turning movement, then the upper body and outstretched arm go in the same direction. At first, you make quite big circles, but then they get smaller and smaller.

To learn even more and become perfect, it is best to join a sports club or start your own group. In the appendix you will find some book tips or very good videos about unicycling. In Japan, unicycling has always been a compulsory subject in physical education. By the way, I always had a 5 in maths but a 1 in sports and I learned to ride a unicycle at the age of 35. But it's a fact that young people get there much faster.

By the way, did you know what unicyclists call cyclists? "Training wheel riders”!

Have fun on a bike!

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More Information
Genuine number19003
Bicycle typeUnicycle
ColourBlack, Blue
Frame size in cm20 cm
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